Our Services

Business strategy planning and development

Development of business strategy in cooperation with management, transformation of business strategy to operational levels.

Organisation-wide due diligence

Comprehensive due diligence of the company, mapping of the areas to be developed and transformed, preparation of an action plan.

Efficiency enhancing reorganisation, optimisation

Implementation of the action plan resulting from the completion of the due diligence process.

Search and acquisition of professional workforce

Seeking out capable professionals in the fields of HR, Finance, Corporate Management, and Commerce in the shortest amount of time possible, who are capable of fully integrating into the organisation in question.
Provision of HR, Finance, General Management, Interim Management, Project Management services – on demand.

Mentoring of experts and leaders

Providing guidance to professionals when it comes to managerial decisions, acting as a counterpoint to managerial loneliness, general and specialised management support.

Organisational development

Optimisation of the organisation, having regard to its inherent opportunities and limitations. Support of upscaling and downsizing processes.

Preparation for cooperation with international companies

We primarily recommend this service offering to SMEs that intend to become business partners of international companies. Provision of assistance related to handling differences in organisational culture, business communication, process development and standardisation, optimisation.

All-encompassing support of service centres

As an industry expert in the shared services sector, we provide support in global, regional and international projects. We offer solutions in a variety of areas: identification and selection of office space on demand, service centre set-up, planning of migration projects, Executive search; integration of new entrants, and supporting onboarding activities via our own KeyStone programme.

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